Monday, 31 October 2011

Is "JesusWeen" the christian alternative to "Halloween"?

Nothing stirs up more debate than issues that create a sense of contention between those of a particular belief system and popular view. As with most religions, Christianity has always had to answer questions when taking stands for or against popular culture. So I was intrigued when I read a column in a newspaper, stating the existence of "JesusWeen",
a Christian non-profit organisation whose purpose seems to be creating a Christian alternative/approach to Halloween.

Halloween has always been a subject of controversy for the church (among other subjects like homosexualism, homophobia etc) with divided opinion about its relevance. Some sources state it's an off-shoot of the All Saints day or All Hallows day with fingers pointed at the church for trying to adopt a traditional pagan festival in order to attract more following. Others will probably state that Halloween as simply a cover-up for evil or devil worship, capitalised upon by the media and other outfits for commercial gain (if you had a pumpkin farm or sold costumes you probably would be smiling to the bank now!).

I'll let you form your own opinions when you read, watch or download these materials and feel free to drop your comments!

Origin of Halloween - Audio
Origin of Halloween - Document download

More info and souces:  Halloween - wikipedia | JesusWeen website | JesusWeen on facebook

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