Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Movie Review: Real Steel - The Fight to Survive

"If you get one shot, make it real" 
 A mix of excitement, emotion plus a touch of life lessons - that's what you get from the movie REAL STEEL. It's not often you get this kind of mix in an action flick. But what amazes me the most is the connection you feel with the characters portrayed - even the robots!

So what's so real about the steel?

Well, first Hugh Jackman (who plays Charlie) isn't just a pretty hunk with quite an impressive build (back off ladies, he's been married since 1996!). His story goes to prove that hardwork and guts are necessary ingredients to succeed in any endeavour. Originally studied a BA in Communications, he persistently chose to pursue his passion for acting.

"... the idea at my school was that drama and music...wasn't what one did for a living. I got over that. I found the courage to stand up and say, 'I want to do it'.""

He is also known for his rigorous workout lifestyle for his movie roles and taking on his personal style for stunts in action movies (Wolverine in Xmen).

Dakota Goyo (plays the character "Max", Charlie's Son) goes to prove that success isn't tied to age or position, but just being at the right place at the time. It's amazing seeing him take on the challenging role with such passion and strong will. He captivates the audience with his impressive dance moves and the fact he taught his father one of the best lessons in life - You have to fight for what you want!

Believe it or not, I did learn a thing or two from "ATOM", the fighting robot.

  • First, if you believe strongly in something never let it go, it's just a matter of time and success will come knocking
  • Second, life will definitely hit you hard but when you keep getting up to fight back you win!
  • Third, when you face circumstances that are bigger than you, find the weakest link, jump up and strike at it! 

[Remember you read these here first, so some acknowledgement appreciated hehehe]

My favourite quotes from the movie:

  • "He's a sparing bot, built to take as many hits but never dishing out any real punishment" (Charlie telling his son Max it's impossible for Atom to ever win a fight).
  • "As much as I like you dude, you are a bad debt" (A promoter's reply to Charlie as he desperately solicits for a chance and begs ofr a 100 dollar loan).


No matter what comes at you, DON'T STOP! KEEP FIGHTING!
"...The race is not to the swift, Nor the battle to the strong, Nor bread to the wise, Nor riches to men of understanding, Nor favor to men of skill; But time and chance happen to them all." King Solomon.

Sources: Wikipedia: | | | | | |

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