Thursday 21 June 2012

Event Review: Oasis "The June Sessions" 2012 by Altarsound Ministries

The theme of last Saturday's edition of OASIS - "Exhale.Breathe" looked appropriate, in a way commemorating the fresh air of summer we've been longing for. 
As OASIS celebrated it's one year anniversary, the question remains on how much impact has it really had? Or is this just another propaganda to get people excited and stir up emotions? Is OASIS overrated?

Saturday 16 June 2012, Salem International Christian Centre hosted the latest edition of "Oasis - Your Place of Refreshing" by Altarsound MinistriesHaving written reviews on every edition, I set out this time to capture the feedback from participants at "The June Sessions". The question I asked was "What OASIS The June Sessions meant to you"

Ayodele Dada
"What OASIS - The June Session meant to me is that it birth a deeper level of intimacy with GOD; I really want more of HIM. The more I am transformed in GOD’s presence, the more people come to the knowledge of Christ JESUS.
I really bless GOD for the life of the visionary: Pastor Alexander Victor for yielding to this enormous assignment of the ALMIGHTY GOD. May the ALMIGHTY GOD continuously bless and increase you all in Altarsound Ministries tremendously in JESUS' precious name. Amen. Cheers."

Osamudiamen C Ikponmwonba
"June oasis "EXHALE! BREATHE... Wow! Heavens really reckoned with the theme.. I definitely exhaled and as I have been choking up and desperate for fresh air for a while, it felt good to Breathe..and not just breathe but breathe in Clean Air..
I came out feeling at peace, refreshed and ready to step into the second half of the year. It felt good to LET IT OUT, let out all my pain, frustration, anger and pain. And then PAV released the Word that "God has seen me" He sees me, he's very mindful of me and that God is SOLELY on my case constantly at all times.
Since Oasis, I have this inner peace, joy.. And it sterms from the fact that I Know now that God is with me 2,4,7....
Looking forward to next Oasis..IGNITE, BURN!!.... I'm so renewed I'm ready to BURN!!"
Dolli Robyn Ayeni
The last Oasis was, for me, a time of release. It was like meeting with God in a free passageway with no obstacles or draw-backs, it was like during the worship I just experienced a big release and freedom to worship and I re-connected with God's Spirit. A lot that I had been holding back or hadn't been able to bring to God before, at Oasis I was relieved as I could drop that baggage and just be so free in His presence. It was a much needed time of intimacy with God after a time of dryness. 
 Kayode Olajide
I didn't stay for so long this Oasis as I left around 10:30 am. For me, the highlight was the worship in the morning. It was refreshing indeed. Also enjoyed...the time when PAV was talking about the vision...
Shamiso Bikwa
Oasis June is what I needed to exhale and breathe as well as the word was for me truly to let go of the past and move forward in the word and in the fullness of all that God has for me. Continue to pray for that strength and grace for God to continue to bless and strengthen PAV and the whole Altarsound team IJN. 
Fiki Fiktizzle Akinremi
What oasis June meant to me? It was a refreshing, relief and I was able to 'exhale'.I really liked the message, because sometimes we all need to be reminded that God is FOR us and Not AGAINST, and that he has our back in the good times and bad- awesome.Seeing others who are passionate about God, and us all coming as ONE to worship as one body, one voice and one spirit was great! It really encourages me to get deeper in God coz there's MUCH MORE to him than I've experienced. 
Debbie Akinkunle
Oasis never ceases to amaze me...always leaving me speechless and unsure of what to do next after such a wild experience.
June Oasis was serious. I remember being mesmerised at the height of the worship, and as I looked on there was a conversation at hand in my spirit....and I heard the following words "these people are crazy worshippers, just the way I like it" and a thought came to my mind, that this was a special group and that the Oasis gathering might not always attract the multitude but within those that attend God is transforming a set of special but crazy people after His heart. David came to my mind at that point from 2 Sam 6:14-23.
The experience was indeed a time to breath in His spirit and exhale those things that perhaps kept the spirit bound and restricted. All throughout the time of worship, I could just hear the reinforcement of who God was in my spirit as my spirit intertwined with my soul to praise him. I heard His voice like never before.
God is truly awesome and i am convinced that God is on a special mission with Oasis. If you missed it, there's not much I can say than crazy worshippers don't miss stop August 18 - don't miss it. 
Maria Famojuro
Oasis June was awesome as every time we gather.....God really came in. There was something about the worship, it didn't stop, God saw the willingness for His people to surrender and connect with Him and didn't allow the preacher to preach lol was great....I just wanted to sit on the floor in His presence, I felt at home  

With worshippers from 28 churches represented, OASIS helps to foster unity in the midst of diversity.  However more work could still be done to diversify the ethnic representation and capture the vibrance of different cultural elements.
A major observation is improvement in time-keeping in comparison to previous editions as the event officially ended at about 2pm.
Look forward to the next edition in August and wonder where the next venue will be?

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