Monday 23 April 2012

Event Review: OASIS AprilFeast 2012 - What else can happen?

There's a sense of excitement, anticipation and anxiety that seems to build towards the third saturday of every month. In this case, it's the first "Lunch" edition of Oasis - your place of refreshing. (Sigh of relief for non-early risers). What else can happen - we've seen it all before! Afterall it's been 6 editions, so there shouldn't be so much fuss. 
The theme keeps getting bizarre - "War Cry - The Awakening" - ugh?

According to the organizers, registration had to be closed about 2 days to the event due to hall capacity. The attendance was undoubtedly the largest ever witnessed since the first edition began with people coming from Manchester, Northampton, Nottingham, Basildon and all across the M25 and beyond! Guest minsters in attendance include Minister Natasha Campbell , Minister Toye D Toye, Pastor Olumide Israel Isiavwe (Nottingham) and many more.

The Beginning
It's 1.20pm. Prayers began as guests arrive in their numbers at the registration point. Worship began at 2pm led by Minister Toye D Toye and the atmosphere was set for a release.

War Cry - The Awakening
The visionary, Pastor Alexander Victor led a prayer/worship session that turned out to be an amazing time of "exhaling", "warfare" and "spiritual upliftment". Just when you thought you've had enough, Pastor Olumide Israel Isiavwe of Ecclesia Kingdom Movement delivered the charge - "the Awakening". One of the most striking part of the sermon was his explanation of "the Big Bang Theory" using Genesis 1:1,2 as a backdrop. There were healings, prophecies and a general re-awakening in every heart present.

Demsytifying what is/isn't Music
After several postponement, Pastor Alexander Victor finally presented the much anticipated teaching on music - the origin, demystifying the mystery behind secular, gospel and christian music etc. For over 2hours, the audience was held spellbound as he declared deep insights and revelations behind the original purpose of music and how it has been abused. Some highlights include
  • Music was created by God (Job 38:4-7) for the exclusive use for worship, not as worship;
  • God sings (Zephaniah 3:17);
  • there is no such thing as christian, gospel or secular music - there is just music!

The Food
Swap egg and bacon for jollof and white rice. Add some yam, plantain (boiled and fried), fish stew (Oasis classic), "Moi Moi" (beans cake), potatoes etc. You get the picture! Free food has never tasted better!

Great atmosphere for fellowship and questions being answered. Time keeping has always been a big issue with Oasis - but who cares when you're having a great time!

There should be a CD/DVD recording/release of this event!

If you were at the event, share your experience by commenting on this post - the good, the and the ug...I mean godly!

If you love to have a good jump, shout and "unrestricted worship" it's probably the best event for you. However it will cost you some body pains :-) Looking forward to the next edition in June - and wondering what next?

For more information on Oasis: Altarsound Ministries on Facebook, @altarsound, Altarsound on

For more info about the wwi project:
Facebook group page - the Write Word Inspires
Twitter - @thewwiproject

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